My binder of choice: Case-It D185 4" D ring binder
Also see: Sources for the binder inserts (9 pocket and more)
Also see: Sources for the binder inserts (9 pocket and more)
Also see: Laura's Couponing and Refunding Hints & Tips plus Coupon Binder How-To
I had someone send me an email with this request and comment so I thought others might want to see this information as well if they are wanting to set up sub-categories or sub-labeled pockets within a section:
“I love your post to your blog about how to set up a coupon binder. I am new to couponing and am setting up my binder now. I have a request from you - I love the way you organize your "sub categories" - example: under dairy - eggs, sour cream, etc. Is there any way you could send me a list of the sub categories within each category? I have a label maker and plan to set it up like yours. I think that is so organized and will be easy to find what I need. I hope you possibly already have this list and it's not a lot of work for you. Photos of each page would be fine too if that's easier for you.Ellen,
Thanks, in advance!
Here is one photo of a page in my binder that shows sub-categories:

My sections with the sub-categories are as follows:
- Store pages – these are 4 pocket pages I made using page
protectors. I slipped in a piece of thin cardboard and then using a
sewing machine I sewed down the middle and across the middle. Then used
a craft knife to open the bottom pockets just under the sewn middle
line on the front and back of the page. So there are 4 pockets on each
side. I use the type pages to put my rainchecks in and coupons I know I am going to use at that store.
- Store pages consist of the stores I have in my area such as:
- Bi-Lo
- Food Lion
- Publix
- Target
- Kroger
- etc. (these are alphabetized in my binder)

- Store cards – this page or two holds the extra store cards I have as most of them are either on my key ring or in dh’s wallet. I do not have 2 card accounts for any store. That is actually against many store policies and I have no need for an extra store card account as one card account gets the deals just fine. What I am talking about though is the extra card you may have from that one account. A store usually will give you two key tags and a wallet card. These pages hold the extra key tag or wallet card that dh doesn’t want to carry with him. I will hand them those when I give him a list and a set of coupons if he’s going to be near that particular store so he has no need to carry all the store cards with him.
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- Rebates & Refund Forms – this is a 2 page category and just holds the forms for rebates and refunds on items. Easier to carry them with me to see the requirements than to guess at what they are
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- Baby – this was a 2 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Misc. Diapers
- Misc. Wipes
- Huggies Wipes
- Huggies Diapers
- Huggies GoodNights
- Huggies Pull Ups
- Pampers Easy Ups
- Pamper Wipes
- Pamper Diapers
- another page was used for baby food, formula, etc. but I no longer use those so I removed the page and pass those coupons on to my daughter
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- Baking – this is a 2 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Vinegar
- Baking Chips
- Oils & Sprays
- sugar
- Spices
- baking mixes
- cookie mixes
- cake mixes and icing
- and there are empty pockets that I will put in coupons on yeast, cornstarch, etc. when I have them.
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- Beverages – this is a 2 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- tea
- juices
- hot cocoa
- water
- coffee
- soft drinks
- empty pockets are used to put coupons in for things like koolaid, coffee creamers, etc.
- .
- Canned – this is a 4 page category – Condiments are now in with this category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- pasta sauces
- salsa
- salad dressing
- ketchup
- mayo
- mustard
- peanut butter
- jams & jellies
- soups
- marinades & hot sauces
- canned meats (tuna, etc.)
- canned vegetables
- canned fruits
- pickles and relishes
- some of the above have two pockets to keep from ripping one pocket with too many coupons
- there are empty pockets for misc. items like manwich, evaporated milk (although this could go into the baking section too)
- .
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Cereals & Breakfast Items (cereals sorted by brand) – this is a 2 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- cereal bars
- oatmeal
- syrups
- breakfast drinks
- breakfast mixes
- misc. brand cereals
- kellogg’s brand cereals
- General Mills cereals
- Post Cereals
- the cereal ones have 2 and some 3 pockets for those as there are usually a lot of those coupons
- .
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Cleaning Supplies – this is a 4 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- dusting stuff
- window cleaners
- floor cleaners
- toilet cleaners
- shower cleaners
- all purpose cleaners
- dish soap
- scrubbers
- you could even make a pocket for dishwasher detergent and one for dishwasher rinse aids if you have a dishwasher
- lysol spray as I usually have a few of those to make a separate pocket
- fabric sprays
- Airwick brand air fresheners and candles
- Febreze brande air fresheners and candles
- Glade Brand air fresheners and candles
- some of the above have 2 and 3 pockets to accomodate the amount of coupons
- .
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Dairy & Refrigerated – this is a 3 page category
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- 1 page is refrigerated drinks for items such as orange juice, teas, speciality milks like nesquik, hershey’s milkshakes, liquid coffee creamer, etc.
- 1 page is actually a page protector I sewed down the middle and across and then cut the two bottom pockets open on the front for bigger coupons I sometimes get for organic valley, etc.
- One of the pockets on the above page is for yogurt as I normally get quite a few coupons for yogurt
- I also use one of the pockets to put refrigerated snacks in like the jello and pudding snacks
- another page has sub-labeled pockets for:
- cottage cheese
- butter
- sour cream
- cheese
- eggs
- milk
- of course there’s empty pockets to allow for other coupons
- .
- sub-categories (in this case) labeled pockets are for:
- Frozen Foods (with subsections) – 3 pages
- sub-categories are:
- one page is for frozen breakfast items & breads
- one page is for frozen meals and appetizers
- one page is for frozen desserts, ice cream, etc.
- .
- sub-categories are:
- Health & Beauty (with sub-sections)
- This section has subsections and some of the sub-sections have labeled pockets (not all)
- Feminine Care – I just try to keep like brand items in a pocket – all tampax tampons in one, all playtex tampons in another, kotex pads in another, kotex pantiliners in another, etc.
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- Deodorants – again with the like brand items in one pocket
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- Facial Care – again with the like brand items in one pocket
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- Hair Care – this one has sub-labeled pockets of:
- shampoo
- conditioner
- anti-dandruff care
- all in one (Shampoo & Conditioner together)
- Stylers
- you could also have a pocket or two for hair coloring items if you use those
- for coupons that are good on any shampoo, conditoner, or styler, I just put those in a separate pocket
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- Lotions – again with the like brand items in one pocket
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- Makeup – again with the like brand items in one pocket – all Covergirl in one, All Maybelline in another, etc.
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- Oral Care – sub-labeled pockets for:
- toothpaste
- toothbrushes
- mouthwash
- dental floss
- whiteners, etc.
- some labels have two pockets for them
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- Razors, etc. – pockets for that brand razor, pockets for shave gels or lotions, etc.
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- Soap & Body Washes – again with the like brand items in one pocket
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- First aid
- pocket for bandages
- pocket for bandaids
- pocket for metamucil, gas-x,fiber one, etc.
- Prevacid – Zantac – Prilosec itmes
- first aid washes
- eye drops
- and empty pockets for overflow or misc. coupons
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- Cold Meds
- like brand items are together such as Tylenol, Advil, etc. in separate pockets
- there is also a pocket for cough drops
- pocket for blistex, chapstick, etc.
- pocket for Sinex or other nasal spray
- and unlabeled pockets for overflow or misc. coupons
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- Pain Relievers – separated by brands
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- Supplements & Vitamins – 2 pages for this one and are separated by brands
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- Laundry Care
- sub-labeled pockets for:
- laundry detergent
- dryer sheets
- liquid softener
- laundry boosters
- stain removers
- and there are empty pockets I use for overflows
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- sub-labeled pockets for:
- Meats & Deli
- I really don’t have sub-labeled pockets for
this but rather just keep like items together – you could label them
this way though:
- lunch meats
- bacon
- sausage
- hot dogs
- and other pockets could accomodate items that you find in the meat cases like the Hormel ready to heat and eat meals, etc. '
- .
- I really don’t have sub-labeled pockets for
this but rather just keep like items together – you could label them
this way though:
- Miscellaneous (this is for clothing, toys, non-grocery store like Jo-Ann’s, Michael’s , etc.) – usually take 3 pages for this one so I can keep it separated to see what I have
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- Paper & Plastic (with sub-labeled pockets) – 2 page category
- facial tissue
- napkins
- cups
- plates
- plastic cutlery
- bathroom wipes
- toilet paper
- paper towels
- trash bags
- plastic bags
- plastic storage containers
- plastic wrap
- aluminum foil
- wax paper or freezer paper (sometimes have to use two pockets for this one)
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- Pasta & Rice
- pasta uses 2 and sometimes 3 pockets
- rice uses 2 and sometimes 3 pockets
- I also keep the coupons for taco shells, tortillas, and such in this area too.
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- Pets – Since we only have a couple of cats now, I keep only one page and have sub-labeled pockets for:
- cat treats
- dry cat food
- wet cat food
- and our cats are outside cats but I do sometimes have coupons for cat litter I keep for use on our icy steps in the winter… most times though I give these to a friend.
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- Produce – just separated so I can see what I have – I do keep salad
toppings here too like the Seasoned almonds, croutons, etc. and bagged
salad coupons get kept in one pocket, etc.
- I sometimes will put bread coupons in this section as it’s easier for me to just turn to that section when I enter the store as you are met with the produce there and some stores the bread is one aisle over – I don’t get many bread coupons though and used to put them in the Cereals & Breakfast section.
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- Snacks & Candy – 2 page category with sub-labels for:
- cookies
- crackers
- candy
- nuts
- chips
- popcorn
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- Restaurants -- easier for me to flip to the back of the binder is the only reason it's not in ABC order and I just keep the restaurant coupons separated in pockets so I can see what I have.
For others interested in setting up a Coupon Binder, here is the link to my how-to article: Laura's Couponing and Refunding Hints & Tips Plus Coupon Binder How-To
If you’re looking for a bigger binder or just a new one, check out my I got a new Binder for my Coupons! post to see the binder that replaced my old, worn out Mead binder I used for years. You can see how much smaller the old binder was here on this post: Comment from a Reader: Coupon Binder and BONUS: Woman's Day Article Featuring Me.
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