coupon binder, Laura Williams Musings: Couponing Tips

Dedicated to saving money in all aspects of life.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Couponing Tips

Couponing Tips

Couponing Tips

1. Get yourself organized.

You can't save if you can't find the coupon or rebate form, etc. People organize their coupons differently, so use what works best for you. There are different methods. Whether it be an old diaper wipe box with dividers, a shoe box with dividers, a coupon wallet, or a coupon binder.

2. Get multiple coupons.

There are several ways to accumulate multiples of coupons. Some ways are:

** ask friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. to save them for you.

** go to recycling centers and get them (be sure to ask the attendant if this is allowed before you start "dumpster diving")

** get to know the newspaper carriers, they may be willing to give you inserts from papers that they don't sell, also ask the convenience store clerks and other store clerks too....the store only has to turn in the top portion of the first page of the paper for credit

** watch for those blinky machines (the little red machines that "spit" coupons out) in the stores.....usually that product will go on sale within 2-3 weeks after you first see the machine and the store will pull it out right before the sales

**extra coupons at online swap boards such as here at

** order the ones you need from online coupon sources

3. Combine store sales with coupons, rebates, store card holder discounts, etc.

4. Get to know your area stores and their policies.

Call the stores and ask if they double or triple coupons, or price match competitor's ads. Also inquire as to whether they accept expired coupons....some stores will accept expired coupons up to six (6) months past the expiration date. Also some stores, such as CVS, Walgreens, and RiteAid, will accept a manufacturer coupon in conjunction with their store coupons.

** Also, don't overlook other stores in your area. Here in the south, there are Dollar General Stores and Fred's Dollar Stores. Both of these stores accept coupons and carry name brand items AT A FRACTION of the cost of other stores. You can normally get free shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, cleaners, and lots more just by using your coupons here.

** Also if you have a Fred's Dollar Store near you, they offer Double Coupon Saturdays. All coupons up to and including .70 are doubled. Be sure to ask the customer service desk if there are any restrictions on this. Some of the stores will limit you to 1 like item, others have no limits. Find the nearest Fred's store to you at Welcome to Fred's sales flyers are online as well.

5. Stockpile.

Whenever you find a great deal on a product, buy as many as you can (and that you have coupons for), especially if you are getting the item for free. This will help you in the long run.

6. Go online and save too.

There are plenty of online sites where members post their wonderful finds whether they be online or in brick and mortar stores, as you find here at

7. Don't use a coupon just because you have it.

In other words, don't buy something you normally wouldn't buy just because you have a coupon for it (unless it's free of course and you intend to donate it or have someone in mind who can use it)

8. Take advantage of online point earning sites.

Usually these sites will let you earn points that can be redeemed for gift certificates for restaurant, movie rentals, etc. Here is a few to get you started:

9. If the coupon says "off any size" then buy the smallest size. This is a better price per ounce deal usually and many times the coupon will make the smaller size free or very close to it, especially if the store doubles the face value of that coupon.

10. Keep track of your savings so you can see how good you're doing.

This will keep you motivated to get it even lower.

11. Make a Grocery Check List so you know what you are going into the store for. Keep a list of what you have in your stockpile too so you don't "over buy" on things that you don't use up quick enough and thus it spoils.

12. If an item on sale at the store is out of stock, get a raincheck.

This alone will not only save you money a little later but will also give you time to gather more coupons for the items.

13. If you have a raincheck, order coupons to go with it from one of the online coupon services or ebay.

14. Call, write or email the companies with either a negative or positive thought about their particular product(s), they may send you cents off coupons or maybe a coupon for a free product. They wish to hear compliments just as well as complaints from consumers.

15. Most importantly have fun. It's the thrill of the hunt aspect.


As you refund and coupon, be sure to keep it legal and honest. Greedy refunders have been caught, taken to trial, and sent to jail for having many post office boxes in lots of different names and for counterfeiting free item coupons. This website does not trade or sell coupons or refund forms. Don't make homemade cash register receipts. Read the fine print on refund forms. Most require that you personally buy the item you are requesting a refund on. Keep it legal and fun. Refunding and couponing is a great way to reduce your grocery bill

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